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The reason and solution of record pattern in injection molding
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The reason and solution of record pattern in injection molding

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-04      Origin: Site

The reason and solution of record pattern in injection molding

Record marking is a common problem in the process of injection molding, which not only affects the appearance of the product, but also may lead to the performance and service life of the product. This article will introduce in detail the causes of injection molding record marks and solutions, to help readers understand its impact on production, and master the corresponding solutions.

The production of record pattern is related to mold design, material selection, injection pressure and so on. In mold design, if the location of the mold gate is unreasonable or the aperture of the gate is too large, it will lead to uneven distribution of mold temperature, resulting in record lines. In addition, the design of gate location will also affect the molding effect. Therefore, in the design of the mold, should take into account the rationality of the gate position, and adjust according to the actual situation.


In the selection of materials, if the hardness and toughness of the material is not enough, it will lead to cracks or depressions in the molding process. Therefore, when selecting materials, materials suitable for injection molding should be selected and adjusted according to the actual situation.

In terms of injection pressure, if the injection pressure is too high or the injection speed is too fast, it will lead to record marks in the molding process. Therefore, when injecting, the injection pressure and speed should be adjusted according to the actual situation and kept stable.

In addition to the above reasons, there are other factors that can lead to the production of record marks. For example, incorrect gate location or too low temperature during injection molding will affect the molding effect. Therefore, in the production process, we should pay attention to these factors, and timely adjustment.

Reasons related to processing parameters and improvement measures:

1. Low injection speed increases injection speed

2, the melting temperature is too low to improve the cylinder temperature, increase the screw back pressure

3. Too low mold surface temperature increases mold temperature

4, too low pressure to increase the pressure

Design related reasons and improvement measures:

1. The gate cross section is too small. Increase the gate cross section and shorten the runner

2. The nozzle hole is too small to increase the nozzle hole


In actual production, the application scenario and operation method of the solution are also very important. For example, in the production process, if there is a record grain problem, it should be stopped in time to check the mold and material selection and other factors, and make corresponding adjustments. At the same time, we should strengthen the quality control in the production process to ensure the quality and performance of products.





Name: Iwan Fandra 丨Director
Tel: +86 198 2019 2009

E-mail: fandra77@vertical-china.com


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