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Injection mold due to gas trap caused by underinjection how to solve
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Injection mold due to gas trap caused by underinjection how to solve

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-14      Origin: Site

Injection mold due to gas trap caused by underinjection how to solve

Injection mold due to gas trap caused by underinjection can mainly be solved from three aspects, the first mold related countermeasures, the second injection molding conditions related countermeasures, the third molding product design related countermeasures. Let's introduce it!

(1) Injection mold related countermeasures

1. Provide effective vent holes in the part where the air trap is generated.

2. Change the gate Settings.

3. Try to change the flow path balance.

4. Try to use a structure that can heat the less liquid part.

5. Try to use a Mosaic structure that divides the less liquid part.

6. Set the vacuum assembly and suction the leading edge of the resin.

7. Use vacuum pump to force suction.


(2) Injection mold injection molding conditions related countermeasures

1. Try to change injection molding speed and flow mode.

2. Try to change the screw speed and pressure switching position.

3. Try to slow down injection molding.

4. Try to raise the cavity surface temperature setting.

5. Try to reduce the clamping force slightly.


(3) Injection mold molding product design related countermeasures

1. Try to explore how to set the meat thickness of molding products to an unequal value.

2. Increase the thickness of the molding product.

Injection mold underinjection, also known as short injection, insufficient filling, parts dissatisfaction, commonly known as underinjection, its performance is that the melt is condensed without filling the cavity, and the melt is not filled completely after entering the cavity, resulting in a lack of material.




Name: Iwan Fandra 丨Director
Tel: +86 198 2019 2009

E-mail: fandra77@vertical-china.com


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